About Me

At times, I am a very shy person and very timid. I like to learn, I am willing to learn about any and everything. I LOVE laughing and smiling, love the feeling of making others laugh and smile. I do not like confrontations, being disrespectful, violence, or anything negative. I am passionate about everything I do, I really try hard to make sure that I give my best with everthing I do and when I know I haven't done my best I feel like I pretty much failed. I also like to try to help others, I think it is really important to try and help and positively inspire as many people as you can.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Stephen Chbosky's  The Perks Of Being A Wallflower  is an outstanding novel about the awkward times of adolescence and explores many themes. Chbosky implicitly expresses the importance of remaining true to oneself as a youth. Two of the main themes were Conformity and appearance vs. reality, the characters in the book had difficulty being open about their true-selves because the were already portrayed as something different. These characters failed to realize that being true could have benefitted them. While reading this book, I could not put it down; I really enjoyed it because it had a lot of topics that I could relate to as a teenager such as identity issues, fitting in, conformity, and peer pressure.

How do you think a person's being honest about their identity, even though it may hurt their reputation, can be beneficial?  


the girl that smiles too much said...

A person being true to their identity is beneficial because it is always good to be yourself. Pretending to be something that you are not is a waste of your time. If people don't like you for who you are, you probably shouldn't being hanging out with them.

inubaby said...

a person being true to themselves will overall benefit them because they will know who they are. they won't be wasting years trying to find out who they really are, they will already know. because of that, they will know their friends like them for who they really are.