Like all other animals, humans are creatures of dietary habit and when we continuously eat at certain times of the day, our body learns to get hungry at those times. Our cravings for food are caused by a hormone called ghrelin. It is also known as the hunger hormone, it is produced in the gut when we get hungry. Ghrelin travels to three parts of the brain, the part the controls unconscious processes, the part the controls metabolism, and the part that controls our feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. Ghrelin is released when it is mealtime and afterwards, cholecystokinin CCK is a peptide released by the upper intestine to let the brain know it is time to stop eating. CCk, however, does not last until the body really needs more fuel which is why people will eat again even thought they are not hungry. GLP-1 and PPY are hormones that actually stop the hunger feeling, and are the reasons why one can eat at 8:30 and feel full for the rest of the night; they send signals to the brain and to the stomach telling it to stop what it's doing and not move anymore food along the intestines. Another hormone, leptin is produced by body fat. Those with a lot of body fat produce so much that their body grows a restraint to the hormone and it no longer suppresses the appetite. Other causes of overeating in humans are malfunctions in receptors in the brain that are pathways for the hormones.
The reason people overeat is sometimes mental making it really hard to create a drug to control the appetite so humans have to learn to eat foods that are not empty of nutrients and satisfy their appetites to the fullest. Humans must also learn to balance the foods they eat so they do not have such strong cravings for certain foods, causing them to overeat. People need to become more health conscious when it is mealtime.
How do you think society has contributed to the creation of humans' habit to overeat?